Delivering hundreds of local jobs
There will be up to 300 construction workers on the M62 J11 MSA Site over the phased build period.
This equates to 97 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) jobs during the construction stage. Once operational, the M62 J11 MSA will support 228 FTE employees in addition to the 75 FTE jobs that are supported through the supply chain.
Support for apprenticeships
Extra MSA are fully committed to supporting apprenticeships.
Independent research by Consultants along with experience from Extra MSA indicates that the development will generate 16 – 17 new apprenticeships. Extra MSA also fully support local school / educational visits and engagement as part of both the construction and operational phases of the development and are engaging with various Bodies such as Warrington & Co to facilitate this.
Support for local employment initiatives
Extra MSA are proposing a Local Employment Agreement as part of the planning application scheme to ensure that local firms and local people benefit from the MSA development.
Extra MSA Group will expect the main contractor to endorse this commitment to support local employment opportunities by signing up to the Charters which are outlined in more detail in the Employment and Training Charter report.
£75m inward investment into the regional economy
The M62 J11 MSA has a total gross value added of £75m which means that this is the level of private sector investment that is being brought forward by Extra MSA into both the regional and local economy. This equates to approximately £8m per annum into the Warrington local economy.
Boosting the local economy
The Proposed MSA will act as a ‘Gateway’ to Birchwood and Warrington, which will support business and investment in the area. The new MSA will also generate a significant financial contribution, with over £1m in business rates each and every year, of which around 50% is retained locally for use by the Council.
Essential service
In this unprecedented time, the Government regards Motorway Services Areas as an essential service and their staff as key workers. By ensuring motorway services can stay open they sustain the movement of people, food, medicine and other essential goods.
Health and wellbeing
Pedestrian improvements will be delivered to provide controlled pedestrian crossings and enhanced footways through Junction 11. Extra MSA has also agreed a significant upgrading of the public right of way network to the north of the M62, connecting the site to Culcheth. As well as existing pedestrian links along Silver Lane south of the M62 and links that run adjacent to Birchwood Way to the south of the M62.
Highway Improvements and Supporting Birchwood Park
The project will see the signalisation of the motorway junction to deliver greater capacity for vehicles on the junction, which will ensure that there is no net impact from the MSA on the local road network. These works will complement the Birchwood Way improvements (Phases 2 and 3). Both Highways England and Warrington Highways officers support these junction improvements.
The need for lorry parking
The provision of 82 HGV spaces would help address a minimum shortage of lorry parking. The Council has identified that existing lorry parking facilities are already at ‘critical’ levels of utilisation, which is evident by the existing issues with HGV parking within unauthorised areas around M62 J11 and in the neighbouring Birchwood Business Park.
New peatland habitat
The Site at present has been drained with a progressive degradation of the peat resource. However, Extra’s proposals will see the creation of a new dedicated peatland habitat, which will create high value eco-systems for a range of flowers and local wildlife. It will also help address climate change by slowing the release of greenhouse gases from the degraded peat. These improvements have been agreed with Natural England and the Environment Agency.
Public Art enhancements
Extra MSA are committed to delivering enhanced public art as part of the MSA proposal. This will either be through new provision within the MSA scheme or a financial contribution to enhancing the “encounter” statue at the entrance to Birchwood Park in conjunction with the Birchwood Park Forum.
Net-biodiversity gain
A detailed Biodiversity Assessment has shown that the proposals will result in a 17-22% improvement in the overall biodiversity value.
Woodland planting enhancements
A full arboriculture assessment has been undertaken of existing trees within the site area. None of the trees within the site are covered by a Tree Preservation Order nor are there any Veteran Trees or Ancient Woodland within the Site.
Extensive new tree planting forms part of the MSA proposals which will comprise a significant net gain in tree cover compared with those lower quality trees that will be removed to facilitate the effective configuration of the MSA.
Meeting an identified need
There is a strategic need, fully supported by policy, for a new MSA to serve the four identified gaps in the locality. The need has also been supported by Highways England in their response to this planning application.
Policy support
There is very positive policy support for the provision of a new MSA within Department for Transport Circular 02/2013, National Planning Policy Framework (2019), Highways England ‘Strategic Road Network Planning for the Future’ (2015) document, and from Highway Agency’s initial 2010 spatial needs assessment.
Lack of alternative sites
The Alternative Site Assessment (ASA) demonstrates that all the potential sites that could meet the need for an MSA are located with the Green Belt, and hence there are no non-Green belt options to meet this established need. The ASA identifies that the Application Site is the most preferable location upon which to locate a new MSA having regard to planning, engineering, safety, operational and environmental factors and would have the least Green Belt impact.
Transition to electric vehicles
MSAs play an important role in the provision of Electric Vehicle Charging Points. The location and spacing of MSAs is paramount if an appropriate network is to be established. Extra and its specialist Partners intend to provide Super-Fast Electric Vehicle Charging facilities within the MSA.
Enhanced drainage
The surface water management strategy will result in a reduction in the surface water runoff from the existing land thereby reducing flood impacts on the surrounding area.
Diversion of Silver Lane Brook
The diversion of Silver Lane Brook will follow a more natural sinuous form and allow for the creation of varying habitat areas and an enhanced ecological habitat along its new corridor.